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KDE 2 Build-Script [25.12. 2000 - 19:53] >> New version 0.5 put on the download page.


KDE 3 Build-Script [13.12. 2002 - 17:14] >> Bash-Script for building the cvs-version of KDE 3.1: download

KDE 2 Build-Script [25.12. 2000 - 19:48] >> Bash-Script for building the cvs-version of KDE 2.1: download


build-kde3 [13.12. 2002 - 17:12] >> OK, Screenshot ist übertrieben, aber es ist eben nur ein Shell-Skript.

bergner@shell:~/> build-kde3

Usage: build-kde3 [option]
help This help text.
configure Runs configure in all not build packages.
configure-all Runs configure on all packages.
make Runs make in all not build packages.
make-all Runs make in all packages.
rebuild Rebuilds only not build packages.
rebuild-all Rebuild all packages.
cleanup Cleanup all packages without rebuild.
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